Ghabriel Ghabriel - Wolves

I'm singing this for everyone
There's something that I need you to understand
My accident, my overdose, suicide attempts, or whatever it was
It made me suffer sooner than I planned

Why only adults can not suffer?
I can't believe my childhood is going away
And you can only say that I want to draw attention

But that may be so
I want to draw attention to my feelings
I want you to see what I feel
Because when I leave
You will see what you have done

Now, follow these steps for me
It may not be what you wanted, but that's what I need
No funeral. There is not a dime you need to spend

Put me down on the floor to decompose
Who are these motherfuckers?
Did you let strangers come and see my body covered with flowers?

Get me out of this coffin
I want to decompose with the sand
I do not want to have the slightest chance to go back

Do not dress me. The dirt does not matter to me
I do not want to be cremated
Go dirty the streets with the ashes of everyone else

And with that said, do not pray to me today
You should have prayed for God to heal me while I still had time
And I tried to talk to all of you, but they never answered my message

And I know there's no tombstone where I'm buried
You always made me feel hurt

With your dirty words
No use crying, there is no turning back

Feel guilty as murderers
I did not commit suicide, but you murdered me
And they threw me to the wolves